Monday, November 28, 2011

Sarah & Matt

I have known Sarah for about 7 years now. We met through her wonderful mother and my good friend Danita, whom I had the pleasure of working with for a few years. Sarah and Matt have been dating for 100 years now, just kidding, I think it's been more like 6 years, and they are adorable together! It's very rare that you see them without a smile on their face or a laugh coming from their mouths, they definitely enjoy life to it's fullest. They are a blessed couple and I am excited to see them grow stronger and happier as the years go on :)
We did a quick session of them a couple weekends ago for their Christmas cards.

Sarah also brought her younger sister and brother along with her so we could take some quick shots of them for their mom for Christmas. 

♥ Welcome Zoey Fawn ♥

On October 16th, my oldest and dearest friend gave birth to her 1st child, Zoey Fawn Wilson. She is the cutest thing ever and my heart is filled with joy for Cristina and her husband Bryan! It's so nice to see Cristina honestly happy for once in her life and I know without a doubt she is! I am thankful to Bryan to for giving her the chance to be happy and loved, no strings attached. Congratulations you two, I look forward to celebrating anniversaries and Zoey's birthdays with you for the next 100 years!

Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Kramer!

On 11♥11♥11 Mr. Cody Kramer & Miss Megan Harvey tied the knot! And I am honored to have been a part of it!
Cody and Megan are high school sweethearts and have been together nearly 7 years!Wow!! Not very often you see that anymore, but after meeting these two I can see why it's lasted. They are beautiful people inside & out and they make it easy for anyone to like them.
On a day full of stress and nerves they both treated me, a stranger, like they'd known me for years. I can honestly say this was one of the funnest weddings I have ever been to, and such a great bunch to work with too! It was a riot to watch them and their 5 groomsmen and 5 bridesmaids ham it up for the camera.

Cody & Megan, congratulations on your new life, I know you'll be together for your 50th and beyond!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Welcome Home 391st!

 Saturday November 19, 2011 was a very important day in Boise, Idaho for many Treasure Valley families. It was the day they got to welcome home their Husbands, Wives, Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, Aunts, Uncles & Friends. It was the day the 391st got to come home!

 I was very blessed in being able to be there and witness the reunion of so many families! My main goal was to capture this moment for my friend Gillian and her kids, as her husband Ben came home at last! It was impossible not to smile seeing their kids barely able to contain the excitement of daddy coming home! What a special moment for so many, and a moment I pray they never have to have again as it would mean they would have had to say goodbye to their loved ones yet again.

 I want to offer a HUGE than you to the 391st & their families for all the sacrifices they made the past year for our country, most of whom are strangers to them. Thank you!

There was another couple, Shane & Charity, whom I haven't had the pleasure of meeting, but whose reunion I was also able to capture. Shane was finally able to meet his 9 week old daughter, how awesome is that!?

I am still working on the 11/11/11 wedding I photographed, there are so many pictures! But I will get a blog up soon. Trying to get better at this blog thing :)