Friday, March 16, 2012

Allie & Jay

Meet Allie
Meet Jay
My husbands sister and her husband brought their family from California to Idaho for a visit in February. My husband Randy & I took our Californian niece and our Idahoan niece to Freak Alley in Boise for some much needed cousin fun! These two were hilarious and so much fun! Thank you girls, we love you both so very much!

They loved to ham it up during the pictures......

The Wilson Family

Been away for awhile, so I'm going to attempt to play catch up, still not very good at this blog stuff. In December of 2011 I was able to take family portraits of The Wilson family, Bryan, Cristina, Haylee & Zoey. Cristina is my oldest and life long friend, and she is finally happy! God has blessed her with a wonderful husband who loves her and a beautiful baby girl. Knowing that Cristina loves kids and has always wanted many, God also blessed her with a step daughter, Haylee, whom she loves so very much! Anyway here are a few photos from their family session, it was cold, but a lot of fun!
Love, Love this picture of Cristina & Zoey. My husband Randy took it when they weren't looking. Beautiful candid shot!

Haylee loved having shots alone with her new baby sister.



And they lived, Happily Ever After....

Monday, November 28, 2011

Sarah & Matt

I have known Sarah for about 7 years now. We met through her wonderful mother and my good friend Danita, whom I had the pleasure of working with for a few years. Sarah and Matt have been dating for 100 years now, just kidding, I think it's been more like 6 years, and they are adorable together! It's very rare that you see them without a smile on their face or a laugh coming from their mouths, they definitely enjoy life to it's fullest. They are a blessed couple and I am excited to see them grow stronger and happier as the years go on :)
We did a quick session of them a couple weekends ago for their Christmas cards.

Sarah also brought her younger sister and brother along with her so we could take some quick shots of them for their mom for Christmas. 

♥ Welcome Zoey Fawn ♥

On October 16th, my oldest and dearest friend gave birth to her 1st child, Zoey Fawn Wilson. She is the cutest thing ever and my heart is filled with joy for Cristina and her husband Bryan! It's so nice to see Cristina honestly happy for once in her life and I know without a doubt she is! I am thankful to Bryan to for giving her the chance to be happy and loved, no strings attached. Congratulations you two, I look forward to celebrating anniversaries and Zoey's birthdays with you for the next 100 years!