Friday, October 28, 2011

Moving on

Well October is nearing an end and since November is going to bring lots of photo opportunities I am, for now, done posting my 35mm shots and moving on to my more recent sessions and on to digital photography :) Tonight I am going to post pictures of one of the cutest couples ever! They recently got married on October 8th. I wasn't able to take their engagement and wedding pictures but I was lucky to be able to take some shots of them last year before they got engaged. Joe & Ashley congratulations we adore you both!

And of course I have to post all the fun we had with these two! As you can tell from the next collage, they love to laugh and that I believe is one of the ingredients to a successful relationship!
And though I was not their wedding photographer my husband Randy took a few shots as we were blessed to see them say I do!

Congrats you too and have fun on the honeymoon in Cabo this week!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

More Beginnings

So along with blogging I am trying something else new, I have begun walk/running. I am going to try to build up to being able to run without walking, we'll see how that goes! I just got back from tonight's walk/run and am amazed at how wonderful it makes you feel! With all the craziness that's been going on in life I've found it's an easy release and I'm thinking I kinda love it!
 Anyway the pictures I'm going to share tonight are some I did just out of high school for my friend Alecia. We went to Beck Kiwanis Park in Ontario, Oregon.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Old photos

So haven't done any blogging since I first said I was going to back in August, so I will try again :) I figure the best way to introduce CharlieBrown Photography is to start at the beginning. So I thought I'd post some of the first pictures I took in high school before I start on my more recent sessions. These are pictures I took of my best friends in High School Becca & Cristina, back then best friend = instant model! Anytime I wanted to take pictures I knew where to go! They weren't alway thrilled with the places I had them pose, but they would always do it for me. Thank you girls for feeding my addiction!

Later in life I was even blesses to be able to take pictures of Becca's son Uriel Christian, and what a doll he was!

So that was the beginning of what is now CharlieBrown Photography, I will continue to blog more about my beginnings, and this time I promise I will do better at keeping it up.